Library Regulations

Library Regulations

  · All people entering the libraries must show acceptable proof of identity on request.

  · Briefcases, cases and bags may be brought into the libraries, on the understanding that the bearers are willing to open them for inspection on leaving.

  · All individuals leaving the libraries with books and papers in their possession must show them to a member of the library staff on request.

  · Special rules authorized by the library committee for the membership and use of any satellite library or collection or category of stock will be displayed in the corresponding library.

  · The following persons are allowed to use the libraries and borrow books:

  o Registered students of the university

  o Academic faculty members of the university

  o Staff members of the university entitled to a current university staff card

  o Retired staff members of the university

  o University alumni

  o External borrowers on payment of the appropriate subscription fee

  o Corporate members on payment of an annual subscription fee

 Note: Library Committee may in addition authorize other categories of people to use the libraries for reference or borrowing purposes and may set limits or conditions.

  · Members of an institution which has entered into an agreement with the council of university are admitted to use of the libraries upon conditions specified in the agreement.

  · All registered members must promptly report any changes in their contact addresses. Communication sent to the last reported address of a member is deemed to have been duly sent.

  · Books borrowed from the library may not be taken or sent abroad without permission.

  · Library staffs are empowered to impose fines, according to the custom and practice of libraries, on borrowers who neglect to return books on or before the date set, whether at the expiry of a normal or special loan period or in response to a recall notice.

  · Borrowers are responsible for the care of books borrowed. The librarian may require borrowers to pay the cost of repair or replacement, in whole or in part, of books which are damaged or lost while on loan, howsoever any by whomsoever the loss or damage may have been caused. Accidental damage to books in transit, from exposure to wet weather or other hazards, lies within the scope of this regulation.

  · If a disciplinary offence is committed by a person who is subject to ordinance on discipline, the librarian may suspend the offender's right to use the libraries and may report the matter to University Registrar for action by the appropriate disciplinary body.

Borrowing, Reserving and Renewing

 The university library aims to provide its entire members with an orderly and effective service; to this end, we have set the following complementary rules and regulations in borrowing section.

  · When a borrower happened to have 2 overdue items for more than 20 days, borrowing privileges will be blocked for a semester (five months). The libraries charge a fine for less-than-20-day overdue items and in case the dues are not clean, the library has the right to block membership.

  · At any circulation desk, borrowers may place a search request for materials not found on the shelf and not checked out.

  · If an item is damaged or lost, borrowers are liable for charges incurred to repair or replace the item. A borrower may replace lost or damaged materials with copies acceptable to the lending library.

  · Course Reserves are supplementary books that have been selected by professors for students to utilize in support of lectures. They are located separately in the General Education Resources Room. Course Reserves only may be read in the General Education Resources Room, and check-out is not permitted.

  · Number of items and allowed borrowing periods are due to the following table:

  o Loan periods and due dates may vary among the campus libraries. It is your responsibility to note the due dates for materials and to return or renew them by those dates. Please familiarize yourself with the circulation policies of each library from which you borrow.


 No. of Books

 Loan periods

 Bachelor Students



 Master Students



 Doctorate Students



 Faculty Members






 Ghadir Plan



 Non-member (Guests)

 Any (in-library)


  · An item can be renewed by a member in condition of not being reserved by some other member.

  · Any item is supposed a 500-Rial fine on each day overdue.

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